Friday, July 29, 2016

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Vegan Granita Madness!

While on a layover in Chicago this summer, after traversing what felt like the entire airport with a toddler and 7-year-old in tow, we had to make a mad dash for food and beverages at  the Starbucks right across from the gate before our flight was to take off. I noticed they had granitas -- something not offered at our local Starbucks -- including a "Caramel Espresso" granita.

I'm not a huge fan of Starbucks at all, but the idea of a refreshing coffee slushy sounded wonderful -- and possibly non-dairy. The baristas told me it actually included cream, but that it could be made without any milk at all. It turned out it was made with caramel sauce, which has dairy, so I asked for a plain espresso granita with no cream. They had that bemused but slightly bewildered look that vegans know so very well -- and far prefer to the eyeroll response! -- but they made it for me. It turned out great! So I decided to make one of my own this week (chocolate flavored!). It turned out far better than any Frappuccino or Coffee Coolatta I've tried to rig up at the store over the years, and I hope to make this refresher for the rest of the summer!

PS - We ended sitting on the tarmac for 2 hours before we even took I was so grateful to have food and a caffeine boost before dealing with my very unhappy toddler for the next 7-or-so hours!

Chocolate Espresso Granita

one tray of ice (12 ice cubes)
2 tablespoons vegan chocolate syrup, or to taste
2 shots of espresso (or about 4 oz of strong coffee)

Blend in blender, and enjoy with a straw!